We make plans, we seek to plan, and we want plans. All of them designed to give us a path on where we want to go; what we want as an outcome; and as a means to organize our life. God gave us free will and the ability to reason so that we can plan. But not planning without Him for we will create plans that will get us lost.
Each of us are custom creations of the Creator but at the same time sum of the parts of the whole of who He is and who we are designed to be in and through Him. That the plans He has for each of us individually have tasks that are tailored to the custom creations each of us are. That His plans will never be thwarted and that they will happen through the sum of the parts (all goods things will work together for good - Romans 8:28) and that His plans are our customized opportunities to be useful to Him despite Him not needing us to accomplish His plans (Will).
We seek our own will because our carnal nature wants to be in control. Our version of doing His Will, in our natural self, is relegating Him to a map provider so we will control the map (controlling our own direction) and have knowledge (i.e., control) of where we are going. His ways are our not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) for His ways are for Him to be our guide and give us directions (guidance) as we move forward in faith.
We do not have the full ability to oversee the map without Him as our guide to interpret the map (His plans) and give us directions. Directions that can only be heard and seen in our Word life (where I find out how to be a direction listener, seeker and follower); Prayer life (where I get close to Him as the filter of what I think, hear and see in my journey of His Will); and fellowship life (where I find encouragement, support, and His words spoken through the body of Christ – fellow brothers and sisters in Christ).
We can do it your own way and get lost or do it His way and grow in knowledge and wisdom to carry out His custom plans for your life. Either way, His plans will happen.