Be Kind to Yourself
Be kind to yourself so that you will be kind to others. Not in weakness but in strength. A strength that is rooted in thinking the best not the worst. A strength that is rooted in humility. A humility that is not low self-esteem but rather a low self-preoccupation. A humility that brings heaven to earth by how you treat yourself and others. A renewed thinking for our mind, for our mind controls our brain which controls how we react and how we act. How we act and react is directly related to our thought life, so it is imperative to capture all thoughts before they become part of our mind. Thoughts to be captured and filtered by who I am to God and who He is to me. Every thought matters so we need to be good stewards in what thoughts take root in our mind for each one has a neurological effect on our brain. Jesus teaches us to be kind as a mindset not just a behavior. A kindness that is patterned after the kindness God shows us in what He did for us (sacrifice on the cross); what He continues to do for us (daily fresh grace); and what He will do for us (our hope for our tomorrows).
Word for kindness: Word for capturing all thoughts:
Word for mindset: