Perfection & Procrastination
Perfection and procrastination are two different sides of the same coin. The coin being control. Both of them are used to attempt by us to direct the trajectory of things by how we manage the execution and how we manage the timing. It is the self-sovereignty that exists in our natural selves in which we pursues either perfection or procrastination. It is us in control and thinking we are in control and that outcomes are created by our control. This self-sovereignty of pursuing perfection or procrastination will always lead to frustration. There will always be blame shifting that occurs if the outcomes do not meet our expectations with the blame falling on perfection (it wasn’t good enough) or procrastination (timing wasn’t good enough). There is only one who is perfect (God); there is only one who has perfect timing (God); and there is only one who controls (God). We tend to want more control than we are wise enough or strong enough to handle. The control we desire is bondage and does not afford us the freedom in the confines of what God provided who is the one truly in control. We serve a God that wants us to do our best and pursue excellence but not so that best and excellence become idols. He wants us to exercise self-control not control. Father God, thank you for You being the one who is truly in control. Guide me to keep my pursuits of perfection or procrastination subservient to Your perfection, timing, and control. Provide me wisdom to pursue doing my best and achieving excellence and give me discernment that neither will exceed the limits such that they become an idol, the wrong role-model. Accepting and knowing that You are in control gives me the opportunity to celebrate the outcome(s) at hand regardless if they meet my expectations. If I did my best and used a divine inspired excellence, I can take solace that it is in your hands of control, Master of all outcomes. Outcomes that span across time and space which neither You are bound by. Outcomes that are beyond my comprehension in the now for all outcomes fit both in your personal plan for each of us and in the corporate master plan. Thank you for being in control since You are the only one qualified to be and do as such.