
Friendship relationships take work; take effort; take commitment.  Friends that blossom have people that have invested In each other in care, listing, empathy, and time.  They spend 80% of their effort in being self-less (thinking less of yourself) by listening more; spending time with the other person; growing in their understanding of the other person; and being empathetic (seeing things from the other person’s vantage points).  It is done willingly because they care about the other person.  We have a person in Jesus that pursues us to be in relationship with us; to be our best friend.  He has invested in us by pursuing us relentlessly (never given up on us) and he has paved the way for a permanent friendship by sacrificing at all levels to ensure this personal relationship with Him.  At the pinnacle of that sacrifice is the cross where Jesus was hung for all of our transgressions (past, present, and future) so that there will never be a distance of ourselves from Him (sin).  A relationship where He has done all the work to ensure that we can be best friends with Him.  A friendship that is guaranteed with our acceptance (through Jesus) of His open invitation. However, the true benefits of that friendship in the here and now are only revealed by our efforts in this (not for this) relationship. We get out of it what we put into it.  At the core, that means spending time with God.  A time spent with Him in conversation (prayer), in walk (living out this day with and in Him) and Word (Scripture).  That is how we get to know Him better and His character.  We listen in that time to let the words hang mid-air in our mind and let the walk (daily living with Him) reveal the wisdom of those words that came from the time spent with Him.  He delights in us and we can delight in Him.  A delight that is about enjoying time with Him through both quiet time and active time.  It is like having a best friend that you have a sit down with for deep conversation and the same friend that you go to the movies with to enjoy the activity.  God is our best friend.  A best friend that knows us and knows our future.  A best friend who truly is for us.  A best friend that is committed to a life forever with us.  A best friend who gave and sacrificed for one reason; because He loves us.  Father, guide me in this day to pour into my relationship with You purposefully in my quiet time and mindfully though the activities of this day.  Thank you!




Perfection & Procrastination