Webster dictionary defines overwhelm(ed) as being overpowered in thought(s) or feeling(s). It is when we take the tasks at hand; our circumstances; and/or what we face and apply so much thought on them without control resulting in strong feelings that emerge and amplify those thoughts to the point that it completely overcomes us. An overcoming where we feel out of control and it leads to despair and frustration. God instructs us in His Word to take captive every thought (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Corinthians+10%3A5&version=NIV) and make it obedient to Christ. It is an instruction not to let our thoughts run without restrain. A restrain that has us taking control of our thoughts and attaching them to the truth. A truth only found and provided through and in Jesus. Truth that He is in control (of what is going to happen); that He calls us to do our best (and He will do the rest); and that our condition (this World) is a temporary circumstance (and to be eternally minded). Without Jesus in the center of our thoughts, we do not have the stability in our thought life. That God is infinitely bigger and greater than any problem we could face. That He is for us (evidenced by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, on the cross for each of us, personally) and therefore the headwinds that we feel are limited to the world and the world’s ways. Our feelings lie to us for they are attached to mistruths. They are attached to thoughts that when aligned to this world ignore God which is truth. Overwhelmed is the second thing that happens after the first step of having a thought life without a stable anchor. A stable anchor that can only be found in Jesus. When we renew our mind and keep Jesus at the center, the sense of being overwhelmed is reduced in size compared to the magnitude of who God is. It moves the question of “how am I going to get this done” to “I cannot get this done but I am trusting God who will get me through this.” Overwhelmed brings the emotions of hopelessness, despair, and frustration. Jesus brings the emotions of hope, faith, and strength (in and through Him). Don’t let the thoughts just happen, stop and think about them (listen). Don’t let the thoughts just happen, choose them. Let chosen thoughts drive your actions. Father God, help me renew my mind so that I will not be overwhelmed by this world but be overwhelmed by Your love, for all You have done for me, and for all that You have for me.