The most influential person in our life is ourselves. We are always talking to ourselves without realizing it. Our thought life is an ongoing dialogue with ourselves. It is there that we mull things over, we make determinations/decisions, we encourage ourselves, we discourage ourselves, et al. We problem solve with silent words and will argue counterpoints with ourselves in the realm of our thoughts. We talk and listen more to ourselves than anybody else. We are with ourselves 24/7 and no matter we go, ourselves is in tow. That kind of time spent in words and presence creates tremendous influence on us. Yet, we do not think of it that way. We think of influences as originating from the external. However, the external has to be converted to consent and acceptance by our thought life and thereafter becomes our words spoken to ourselves causing the influence for our thoughts, words and actions. Even when we are introspective about our thought life, we tend not to notice that our questions, concerns, etc are spoken within our thoughts to another being in our thought life. In our thought life, we often are in pursuit of answers so our conversation in our thought life are in the form of questions. But questions to who? That who is God. Realizing that we are not alone in our thought life shifts the conversation. In our internal conversation we are always talking about life, others, and ourselves, and the things we say to ourselves are very important because they are formative of the things we desire, choose, say, and do. We are influencing ourselves in that conversation and we do it around the clock. We are speaking silent words that influence us in what we say about ourselves, about others, and about life, meaning and purpose. Father, thank you for being part of my conversation and I ask you to help me be the best version in that conversation to help me be a better influence on myself.