Getting fit and more specifically, super fit is hard work and is difficult and painful.  It takes commitment, discipline and positive thinking to accomplish over time the level of fitness sought.  Fitness is our physical body (our external man/woman) being transformed by the direction of the goals set in our mind (our inner man/woman).  It is that inner man/woman that is the root of all that we do, take on, pursue, and ultimately reflect (in our outer man/woman).  Our resolve is determined by our thought life (our inner man/woman) and that resolve continues to reinforce our actions (including direction) in our journey in life.  Thank you Father for giving us a relationship means (prayer and life with You) to expand our fitness to our inner man/woman.  The challenges of life are the barbells that are the workout for our faith muscles (our inner believes).  Life’s journey is the opportunity to build our endurance in and for our faith.  An endurance not only to endure but also to persevere.  A fitness that is achieved for our inner man/woman that allows us to thrive in our spiritual growth for our physical eternal presence.  An external presence that demonstrates the fitness of our inner man/woman through our thoughts, words and actions.  An inner fitness that is guided and encouraged by the ultimate trainer, Jesus.  An inner fitness that is the building blocks of who we are designed to be by our Creator, God.  A design that is relationship with Him (Jesus) for the benefit of ourselves and for those that are in our lives and around us.  Father, thank you for this fitness plan that has an outcome that is greater than the physical fitness.  A fitness plan that is not limited by physical limitations or aging bodies but rather one that is designed for forever without limitation for God is a limitless God who has designed a limitless life for us in and through eternity.  Father, help me get and stay fit.


