We look at the mirror and see our outer being.  When we look at our social media we see our outer being.  The things people think about us and say about us are based on our outer being.  The question is if our outer being is aligned and congruous to our inner being.  Our inner being is where our thoughts come from that drive our actions and words and is those actions and words that are reflected in our outer being that the world sees.  If we are worried, our action and words are skewed by our internal thoughts of worry.  Same with fear, anxiety but also with self esteem (pride and low self esteem are two sides of the same coin).  Self esteem is a thought life where we judge ourselves in thought to be either better than we are or worse than we are.  The reality is that what is most important is who God thinks we are as the basis of our thoughts in our inner being.  We are His beloved and he sacrificed for us to ensure that we can be His beloved.  His thoughts of me is the start of my thought life in my inner being.  A start for every thought.  A start for every word.  A start for every action.  Father, thank you for being my beginning in my inner being and thank you for being beside me to see things through to the end.  An end that always has you being there.  A journey where you never forsake me.  Thank you.


