The fall of the walls of Jericho teaches us some great lessons about the faithfulness and might of God [READ Joshua 6].  It teaches us to make time to hear and listen for God in reading His living Word (the Bible), in prayer time, and in fellowship with His people  [READ Jeremiah 33:3]. That God will fulfill His promises [READ 2 Corinthians 1:20].  That we need God and for us not to rely on self-sufficiency and self-reliance [READ 2 Corinthians 3:5].  That we need to be obedient to God as worship and that it is assurance that result in blessings [READ Luke 11:28].  To be patient in God’s timing to deepen our faith and trust in Him and wait with faith [READ Isaiah 40:31].  To lean on God and put our trust in Him, because that is when the impossible can happen [READ Matthew 19:26].  God is purposeful and intentional [READ Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28].  The walls fell because of following God’s Word; by relying on God despite things looking impossible and being obedient to Him; by patiently staying in God’s Will and not being self-reliant; and that we need God in all the details of our life.
