The Power of Prayer
The true power of prayer is not in the outcome but in the journey. The true power of prayer is that it changes us. It changes us in our perspective how we view our circumstances, others and ourselves. Expecting just an outcome from prayer is a pedestrian transaction no different than going to the store and buying goods. Goods that have a shelf life, a life of use. Like a new car that has diminishing value as we drive off the dealer lot so it is with a focus of just outcomes in prayer life. However, a prayer life that changes us amplifies whatever the outcomes are. It moves our internal condition before it impacts our external condition. Prayer life starts with revealing our internal condition and it changing with a committed and passionate conversation and petition with our Heavenly Father. It is a gift of an intimate relationship with our Creator, God. It brings Him into our picture through prayer life. It taps into the very resurrection power that lives in us in the person of Jesus. Prayer life is not an external line of communication but an internal communication with God within our very being. It is designed to be a simple and honest communication with God with full removal of boundaries in that conversation. Our prayer life is the only true place where everything can be put on the table without fear of retribution, guilt and/or shame. That is the place where prayers are answered starting with changing us. Grounding us to who God is to us (our everything) and who we are to Him (His children and His beloved). A prayer life that starts with gratitude for being created by God for purposes to be carried out here on earth as designed and established by Him before the start of time and all of it culminating in a life eternal through the acceptance of Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior who paid for life (for eternity) through his sacrifice and suffering endured for our benefit. A prayer life starts with power of gratitude (to and for Jesus) and is filled with the power of faith and trust (guaranteed life eternal and He is control and has me covered). Father God, thank you for the power of prayer.