Our nature is to lay blame for the things that are not to our liking; when things don’t turn out how we want them to be; and we don’t get what we want.  Blame is a close “cousin” to accusation with both being the love language of the Devil.  It aligns our thoughts, words and actions to the Enemy’s narrative of guilt, shame, lack, defeat, covetousness, self-righteousness, et al.  It pulls us away from God and His narrative of love, forgiveness, self-control, grace, mercy, et al.  The fundamental flaw of blame is that we don’t have all the facts.  We don’t have the full picture for our perspective.  Only God does.  The facts we do have is that the picture is not complete (God is not done yet); we will be better aligned to God’s plan by being part of His narrative; and I am who He says I am (His beloved - saved and redeemed by the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ).  Any thoughts, words, and actions contrary to this, is jumping to conclusions which is the kickstarter for blame.  You become a conversation partner and an accessory to the work of the Enemy when we align our thoughts, words and actions to the Devil’s narrative but you can defeat him by becoming a conversation partner and an accessory to God’s work when we align to Him in all we think, say, and do.  Move your finger from pointing it in blame and point it in the direction of the one (God) that you follow, trust, depend on, and have hope in.


