Social Media
Social media has become integral in the fabric of society using various platforms to share content or participate in content through social networking. The technology of today allows this to happen instantaneous with a global reach. It allows us to have direct access to everybody with what we want to share or what we want them to see. Social media has tremendous critical mass and can quickly move public opinion or create a movement. Its supply chain is limitless and is direct to its consumer base. Its control is in the provider of the information in the form of what gets shared and they are in full control of how it is presented. We use it to announce to the world what we feel, what is going on in our life, our celebrations, our frustrations, and so forth. That sharing reflects what is important to us with the intent that others will join in (via social networking) to amplify its importance. Jesus provided us instructions for social media messaging. Baptism is one of those platforms that He instructed us on that serves as a powerful silent social media tool. It is a action of belief (in Jesus) that is served up to be shared and seen by the world. Today is special because my adult daughter is getting water baptized. A voluntary choice by her through an outward action that reflects what is going on in the inside. It is a social media announcement to society on what is important to her. It announces the transformation inside her where the very Spirit of God has taken residence in her to guide and protect. It is an announcement of God’s love where He loved her so much that He sacrificed himself on the cross to ensure that she would have the right to claim Jesus for herself for her salvation. It is an invitation to the world to come to the source (Jesus) of her news of the gift she received and continues to receive, mercy and grace. The headline of this viral message is that God so loved the world that He sacrificed His Only Son so whoever believes (accepts) Him will not perish (be destroyed by an unreconciled separation from God) but have eternal life (earned by Jesus as a free gift to us which never can be lost). Jesus was baptized during his time on earth by John ( as the social viral message that He has come to this world as fully God and fully man to do what we could not do (live a life sinless); pay for what we deserve (punishment as righteousness for the unrighteousness of sin); so that we could receive (salvation through Jesus) what we do not deserve (eternal life with Him which we did not and could not earn or buy). Unlike the highlight reel that constitutes the world’s social media where we share snippets of our life (where we control what we want the world to see skewing their perspective with these controlled kernels of information), my daughter’s baptism is a complete and honest social media message in which the world will see who she to God (His beloved) and who He is to her (her Savior). A complete social media message of love. Father, bless Isabella for honoring You in her social message through baptism and bless the eyes and ears of those that hear and see her message of baptism that they will see the invitation You provide.