Every word spoken (even the offhanded careless ones) are indication of what is in the heart. All words are fruit that came from a seed that started in the heart - even the careless ones. Because like lemons that are borne from a fruit tree that came from a lemon seed, such a tree can only produce lemons and not oranges. The words spoken that are careless are just words that spilled out from the many words that are kept within (Matthew 12:34). It takes daily work in, with, and through Jesus to clean the heart to daily remove the flaws of character that fuel the sins of the tongue. For the words spoken that are not aligned with who God is, are sins of the tongue (words that separate us from God) (Matthew 12:36). Words (both internally and externally) that align with the Word of God (Jesus) will bear the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) in the words spoken inwardly and outwardly. Watch and control words to know and shape your heart (James 3: 1-12).