Worry, anxiety, (ungodly) fear, et al are not gifts from God but driven from “hanging with the devil.” Everything we have and our (God aligned) desires come from God as a privilege, in our free will, to be good stewards over them and use them for God’s best for our life (our daily living aligned with God in the center).  Worry, anxiety, etc make us bad stewards of what God has given us in possessions, circumstances, and desire.  They move us into thoughts of isolation where the Enemy can do his greatest work.

Let that insight rid me of any grumbling and self-pity and give me the insight to be a good steward of what God has given me, gives me, and will give me.  In a fire, we are instructed to “stop, drop, and roll.”  Let it be when we face a “fire” (the challenges in life and the wave of emotions that come along) we stop (remembering that God is still on the throne and in control); we drop (to our knees to pray and be connected to the One on the throne); and we roll (into the faith of praise of worship of what God is has done in your life, is doing, and will do).  Intentionally, dwell on those things that are true (God aligned thinking); that are honorable (God aligned living); that are of excellence (God inspired work); and is worthy of praise (God’s work in your life) [reference Philippians 4:8-9].  This might not make life easier but will make it purposeful and intentional.  It will change us from a victim mentality to a victor mentality.  It will make us available for God to help us through the storm and for us not to camp in the storm in our grumbling and self-pity mindset.

Have thoughts of God’s goodness and an attitude of God’s best at work in your life even if you cannot see it.  His best for you is always ahead so don’t let the thoughts of worry, anxiety, (ungodly) fear, et al cause you to not move forward in God’s best for your life as the author and finisher of your faith [Hebrews 12:2].  Hang with Jesus and do not let your grumbling and self-pity cause you to hang-out with the devil.


