In Our Midst

Father, thank you for being available to me to allow You to be in my midst.  You are always with us and will never abandon us.  The role You play in our lives is up to us.  We can put You at a distance (but still near us so we can come to You); we can put You in our vicinity (which is good); or we can have You in our midst (where we are one with You and You with us).  In our midst, the miracle and power of Your presence for us is the greatest.  It is where we can work closely with You and You can work closely on us.  A “midst” found by being Christ-centric throughout the day in our thoughts, words, and actions.  A “midst” found by getting to know You better through reading Your Word (the Bible) and through prayer.  A “midst” found by being filled with gratitude to and for You and all that is in my life that You permit to be in my life.  In the “midst” we will have the ability to hear Your still small (quiet) voice to determine purpose, intentionality, and destiny as God ordained and Spirit led.  In the “midst” is where God-sized dreams are birthed and where miracles happen.  Father, guide me to keep You in my midst to hear Your voice that leads to my destiny through a life lived here in this temporary place, this fallen world.  Thank you.


