To have heart is to have passion, dedication, and commitment. What is in our heart determines how we feel, how we think, how we act.  The external is an extension of what is in our heart and how much heart we have.  By nature, we will follow and worship something.  Sometimes temporarily, sometimes for a time, or sometimes with a committed permanency.  We will at times change out what we worship but there is never a time that we do not worship something.  For us believers we worship God. However, in our flesh we find ourselves worshipping power, money, fame, success, et al.  Even the atheist worships something and they put in front of them the pursuits of this world to fill in what they worship.  Webster dictionary defines worship as a regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion.  It is a pursuit of what we deem important and a priority.  It could be a relationship, a career, wealth, or all of these wrapped into a man made deity package.  Regardless what we worship, it determines the trajectory of our feelings, our thoughts and how we act.  God’s economy system is about worship Him and aligning the pursuits of relationships, career, wealth, etcetera to this trajectory, His trajectory.  It is a tether that is anchored in heaven and lived out here on earth.  It gives greater meaning to how we view the things of this world.  We have a changed heart.  A heart that is not victim to the happenstance of the results in this world but one filled with hope, faith and love which determines how we feel (despite our circumstances), how we think (focused thoughts that are God inspired and Spirit led wisdom and discernment) and how we act (who we are to God and who God is to us).  Thank you Father for giving me a path of living through a transformative heart for my benefit, the benefit of those around me, and for connection to You.  




Successes & Failures