God is Big

Good morning, Father.  I look forward to this day that You have planned and designed.  It might be easy, it might be hard, or it might be both but whatever it is, it is not bigger than You.  Holy Spirit, help me embellish my Lord and Father, so that it reminds me that You are bigger than I think, what I face and what this world has to offer.  Everything from our “throne” looks bigger.  Our problems look bigger, the opportunities look bigger, what the world offers looks bigger, etcetera.  But that “throne” position is a sin position of putting ourselves in control and worshiping/covering something other than You.  This world, as is, is temporary and our stay is also but that does not mean that our time is useless or without purpose.  Keeping You on the throne in my thoughts gives focus to what is useful and with purpose for only You know.  Holy Spirit, guide me in being useful and purposeful.


Life Long Student

