The way of the world is to sell you a dream.  A dream about who you can be; what you can be; and where you can be.  However, a dream of this world, will have significant involvement and influence from our Enemy [read 1 John 2:16].  A dream that offered by Satan that is an illusion (wrongly interpreted by our senses and desires and therefore enticing to our flesh nature) and an allusion (an indirect reference that it is good for us) [read Ecclesiastes 5:7].  It is based on the same tactic that Satan used in the Garden of Eden to convince Adam and Eve (in the original sin).  The Word of God and His Spirit provide us dreams that are based on His promises (past, present, and future) for His people (saved people). Dreams that are based on a reality in what God has done; a reality of what God is doing in our daily living; and a reality for a future promised by God.  My dreams are of God when they are aligned with who God is to me; who I am to Him; and how central is He is in my life [read Acts 2:17 & Joel 2:28].  He put in each of us dreams that are aligned with Him when we walk out our life with Him.  A walk with Him in the unseen not be distracted by the dreams the Enemy offers up in the seen world.  It is daily living with Jesus to be in this world but not of this world [read Romans 12:2].  It is daily living with Jesus to live out my best that He has for me [read Jeremiah 29:11].  Dreams that are based on His promises and not the illusion and allusion of this world and the ways of our Enemy.


