Everything that is goodness from God has a direct opposite “goodness” from the Evil One. Every detail of our being was designed and created by God. We were made in His image but He also gave us free will which permits us to do as we desire which is often counter to His design. One of these gifts He put in us is cortisol which is a hormone that works with certain parts of our body to control our mood, motivation, and fear. It is our built-in alarm system that God gifted us in His design to help us. However, the Enemy’s counter to God’s design is to create conditions to make us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and worried to cause our cortisol to be in a chronic state so to move us from moods of joy and hope to moods of negative thinking and pessimism; from a motivation to pursue God in our daily living to demotivating and demoralizing us; from a healthy fear of staying in God’s presence to fear driven by worry and a lack mentality. Remember God’s goodness even when you face headwinds so that you are not hijacked by the Enemy to keep you from God’s best.