All things are possible with God.  This truth is rooted in His saving grace for us which we cannot and did not earn.  It was only the work of Jesus Christ (perfect in living a life we are called to live; perfect in being sinless and never having sinned; and His sacrifice for our sins [past, present, future]) that earned God’s saving grace for us. Jesus made the impossible (for Man) possible (with God) and charted for us a life where we are instructed (Proverbs 3:5-6 & Philippians 2:13-18) not to lean on our understanding (seek the wisdom provided by God through prayer time, Scripture time, worship time, and community time) and not on our own strength (embrace His strength in our moment by moment living - our faith life).  To understand what is possible for Man is limiting and not God’s best for you. He died on the cross to give you salvation and also a means (all things possible with God) to live an abundant life (full of purpose, intention, and the joy that comes from living life with the One who makes all things possible).  That God’s possible includes provision for your life in what He instructs you as your path of daily living - the trajectory of your life.  That  includes His hedge of protection to keep you from trying to achieve things that are not good for you; not your calling; and do not contribute to your role as a Kingdom builder.  All things possible with God is His divine mercy and grace delivered fresh every day if you open your heart and open your hands.  All things possible with God is His love delivered in salvation, perseverance, protection, guidance, and provision.  It only requires you to be WITH God for Him to make all things possible.


