Will I let God lead me in this day [READ Proverbs 3:5-6]?  My flesh (sin) nature (my nature to do daily living apart from God) is for me to lead and for me to be in charge [READ Romans 7:18].  Our nature is to use God as a part-time resource and to use Him as we see fit [READ Galatians 5:17].  Jesus was the ultimate leader that has ever lived [READ John 13:13-17].  He took a band of misfits and had them take His gospel (the Good News about God’s salvation through Jesus Christ) as a global movement that went from twelve people to millions of people over +2,000 years [READ Acts 9:31 & Mark 16:15-17].  Jesus is God and yet, He let God, His Father, lead Him so that He was in union with God for His daily walk of daily living [READ John 17:1-26].  The details of our daily living are gifts from God but can only be fully realized when we involve Him and let Him lead [READ James 1:17].  Our flesh nature will either ruin what is a gift from God or it will fall short of the full abilities of the gift God has provided [READ Proverbs 19:3].  Let God lead by talking to Him and then listing to Him.  Be open-minded and open-handed to receive instruction from Him as He leads you [READ Psalm 25:4].  Instructions that can come through prayer, reading His Word, and/or through people that He uses as messengers [READ Matthew 7:7-11].  It is a much better plan and process to involve God in all that I do, all that I think, and all that I say [READ Jeremiah 29:11 & 17:5-9].  It is an assurance that even when I falter in my flesh nature that by letting Him lead me in this day that when I fall, I will fall into His arms [READ 1 Peter 5:7].  Yes, I will let God lead me in this day [READ 1 Chronicles 16:11].  To be in union with Him for my daily walk of daily living just like Jesus did.  To seek Him first [READ Matthew 6:33]!


