We tend to serve and cower to the “god” of hurry, worry, and busyness (READ Proverbs 21:5).  We are prone to giving in to the “god” of pride, false humility, complaint, and entitlement.  We are vulnerable to following the “god” of false religion, false truth, self-righteousness, and self-sufficiency (READ 1 John 4:1).  All of these “gods” are false gods that put ourselves in the center (me) and/or put our version of who we think our god should be and look like (READ Exodus 20:3).  There is only one God (Abba) that is the source of our existence (in creation); the source of our provision; and the source of our salvation (READ Colossians 1:16).  All of these other things are subservient to God’s might and control (READ Romans 11:36).  So serve Him first (make Him the center of all you think, do, and say) and filter all the things you face that could become false gods when we make them a number one priority, and push them through the filter of God (as your true first priority) as the source of all that you are, do, and will be (READ Ephesians 3:20).  God in the center of our life is for our own good and not as a religious hierarchy.  It puts us in an aligned relationship with Him; puts us in how He designed each of us; and puts us in His protection and provision (READ Jeremiah 29:11; James 4:8; and Romans 8:28).  Therefore, serve and worship the one and only true God and make Him the center of your day, your life, and your moment by moment living (READ Proverbs 3:6).


