Negative thoughts poison our brain resulting in depressed thinking.  God created us with the great gift of our brain which controls everything physically, mentally, and chemically.  It is our central control system which has a life long ability to change its activity in response to intrinsic stimuli (neural states produced spontaneously because of hard wiring) or extrinsic stimuli (motivation to perform in response to external satisfaction) by reorganizing the brain’s structure, functions, or connections.  Our thoughts control these stimuli and therefore control how our brain is reorganized physically and chemically.  It is why God calls us to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:7) even in challenging circumstances so that our brain will stay within God’s design and will respond according to God’s design in our daily living in what we think, say, and do.  It is why God instructs us to guard our heart (Proverbs 4:23) and capture all rebellious thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5) to keep us from poisoning our brain and altering its structure, functions, and connections to be counter to God’s design.  It is keeping your physical and mental being in a state for God’s best for your life.


