God fights our battles but it requires us to move forward in our battles.  Our forward action is the engagement of our faith in the battles He fights for us.  He fights our battles by reducing them in size (magnitude of the damage they can do to us) so that we are able to handle them in the faith He calls us to have.  The degree on how we are able to handle the remnants of the battles is based on how big we make our faith.  All battles are designed to draw us closer to God; to change us by growing our faith “muscles” for our spiritual journey; and to be useful to God.  Each day is filled with battles to be used for these purposes.  Life as a believer in this world should have the positive tension of swimming upstream as counter to the ways of this world.  It is in that positive tension that our battles occur and it is in our swimming upstream that we engage our faith.  It is in the challenges of every day living that we are able to do our greatest Kingdom work.


