Denise and I were so saddened to hear the news about Chrissy’s passing but as I reflect on it, it is sadness rooted based on self because we will miss her being here among us.  The truth is that she won the prize as a good and faithful servant for the One she serves (Jesus), and she was called home to be with Him to wait for the rest of us including her good and faithful servant husband, Mark.  Chrissy has a special place in Denise’s and my heart for the servant work she did as a shepherd in our life for our walk with Jesus.  Her heart for Him blessed us and blesses all those that had the honor of knowing Chrissy.  I will always remember her quote, “I love you _____ [fill in the blank] but I love Jesus more” which was her authentic servant heart position that she could love others more when she loves Jesus more.  Our life here is a tapestry that God quilts together as part of our salvation when we accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our personal Lord and Savior.  He does not ask us to get our act together but to accept Jesus who will get our act together through the work He has done to, on, and through the cross.  To put people and circumstances in our life to pull it together according to His Will and plan for each of us as part of salvation. Chrissy loved all of us and therefore our individual tapestry has Chrissy’s work woven into it - God’s gift through Chrissy to each one of us.  Denise and I will honor Chrissy by living a life here as servant leaders called for by our Lord Jesus Christ and demonstrated by His Beloved, Chrissy. I look forward to seeing Chrissy on the other side of the cross and joining her in the celebration of the life she is currently living with our Lord and Savior as His beloved.  Chrissy you will not be forgotten and us serving Jesus will keep your memory alive.  Thank you for all you did and pouring into us.  See you down the road Sister!  One in Christ! [read Matthew 25:23, Colossians 2:2-12, John 14:1-3 and Matthew 22:37-40]


