We have known people or have been guilty ourselves of being fair-weather fans.  Fair weather fans in sports, friends, family, activities, circumstances, etc.  Dear friends of mine are going through an extremely difficult season (unemployed for nearly a year; wife working at a job that she is not fond of; financial burdens; family; et al) but how they are carrying themselves is the polar opposite of being a fair weather fan.  They are showing the same energy, enthusiasm, faith, trust, and belief despite their circumstances [READ 1 John 5:5].  They are unwavering in their love and commitment to Jesus and they are unwavering and committed to loving each other and others with the same level of commitment they showed in the good season [READ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18].  They have lots to complain about but they choose to only complain to God (who ultimately is the only one who can do something about it)[READ Job 2 & 1 Peter 5:7].  God is not a fair-weather God to us and is there with and for us through thick and thin [READ Isaiah 41:10].  We need to be likewise to Him.  God cares more about taking us through the process of change (for our growth, for our strength, and as His reflection for others to see) than just giving us the change [READ Philippians 4:11-13].  Therefore, do not let the “weather” (our situations) be the determination of how we serve God and glorify Him.  Serve Him in the “bad weather” (challenging or bad circumstances) with the same energy and commitment as how we serve Him in the “good weather” (good circumstances) [READ Matthew 5:45].


