The devil is a master criminal of counterfeit.  He has two ways to use counterfeit to attack each of us [read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10].  His first move is through using hostility and persecution. If he is unsuccessful to get you to knuckle under his use of hostility and persecution, the devil will use enticement to lure you into something dangerous.  He uses either intimation (the fear and violence of roaring lion) or enticement (corruption of an angel of light) [read 1 Peter 5:8 & 2 Corinthians 11:14].  Both are counterfeits of what God provides to His people [read 2 Corinthians 4:4].  God provided us the lion (Jesus) as protection and deliverance (defeat of death and sin - past, present and future) [read Hosea 11:10].  God provided us the true angel of light (Jesus) as salvation [read John 8:12 & 1 John 5-9]].  Don’t fall for the counterfeits that will keep you from God’s best for your life [read John 8:44].  Start with Jesus in your thoughts, words and actions and you will see the counterfeits that the devil has, is, and will attack you with.  The Bible (God’s Word) and Jesus (the central Word of the Bible) are our counterfeit detectors like the black pen that checks for counterfeit currency [read 2 Corinthians 2:11].  The less we have of God’s Word and less of Jesus we seek, the more we are prone to accepting the counterfeit “currency” that the devil feeds us [read 1 Corinthians 10:13]. Seek and be with Jesus so as not to knuckle under (the devil) and not to be enticed (by the devil) [read Ephesians 6:11].


