Be content because God has given me everything (time, talent, and treasure) I need for this day [READ James 1:17]. It is ok to plan for tomorrow and a future but those plans should not drive discontentment today for what I don’t have or for what I think I need [READ Proverbs 19:21]. Because that is pride showing up to control my future and it is pride showing up to demand what I have to have for the future I want to control [READJames 4:13-16]. He has a plan for me so work that plan and do not sway in my daily efforts for what He has for me [READ 1 Corinthians 3:9]. God is in control and He has plans and a future for me and there is joy and blessings to participate in the plans He has for me with the time, talent, and treasure He has given me and will provide me [READ Jeremiah 29:11 & Romans 8:28].