How can I bring joy to God’s heart [READ John 14:23]? By being grateful for all that I have, from the least to the greatest [READ James 1-4]. To be intentionally mindful that everything comes through or from His hands [READ Jeremiah 29:11]. That all of it was, is, or will be aligned to who God is including His Will [READ Romans 15:13]. That I always remember I am in His family because of HIS mercy and HIS grace [READ Romans 5:8]. I can bring joy to HIs heart by believing in Him; loving Him; obeying Him; growing in Him; and accepting and living in Jesus [READ Hebrews 12:2]. I bring joy to His heart when I align my joy (in all things) to the joy He is and I bring joy to His heart when I live moment by moment in gratitude to God for who He is and that He is in myHis life [READ John 16:24].