The two most important days in your life, are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain

The days that Mark Twain refers to, fit like a glove for a Believer but is problematic and challenging for Non-Believers.  For a Non-Believer, their viewpoint is limited to their humanity of a natural and physical birth and seeking purpose strictly tethered to what they can do, did, or will do in their physical humanity [read John 3:6].  Their humanity serving a means to an end (death) [read 1 John 5:4].  Their challenge is not just their human limitations but their high liability of the end not being the end and not having a solution for the tail period beyond what they had planned for [read John 3:5 & Mark 16:16].  For the Believer, we are physically born and then spiritual reborn (saved with the acceptance of Jesus) to put us on path (life journey) of God revealing why each us was born (created by Him) [read John 3:3 & 2 Corinthians 5:17]].  A life journey where Jesus is the means to the end (everlasting life with Him) and our “why” is Him as our means.  What is magnificent about  life with Jesus is not only the means to the end but is Jesus as our answer for the tail period extending beyond our human life here on earth.  The quote should actually read as, “The two most important days in your life is the day you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and your born again and the day that you find out how much God loves you and values you and wants you with Him for eternity.” [read John 3:16]


