Upon being saved and receiving the guarantee of heaven, this life becomes an opportunity (and a privilege) to reflect gratitude for this gift (God’s gift) [READ Ephesians 2:8-9]. Gratitude that can be shown by being a life student of the teachings of Jesus [READ Matthew 28:19-20]; by being patient and kind as an extension of the patience and kindness God showed and gave me [READ 2 Peter 3:9]; by honoring and respecting others because they are God’s creation and made in His image (likeness) [READ Romans 12:10]; and loving more and being angry less the way that Jesus loved me more and was angry with me less [READ Romans 5:8]. Your daily living (all you think, do, and say) should be an image of the gratefulness you have for God’s grace and mercy [READ Colossians 3:17].